So, erectile dysfunction. Of course you don’t suffer from
it, but maybe you have a ‘friend’ who does? It’s very common but rarely discussed openly. Losing
an erection or failing to get an erection is a very common problem which
affects most men at some point in their lives. Sex is an important part of life
and this problem can often cause you to lose confidence, your relationships
might suffer and it can make you feel anxious or down. Although it’s a very
common problem, the good news is that there is a lot that can be done to help
the situation.
Common causes of erectile dysfunction include stress,
tiredness, worry, as well as physical problems such as impaired blood flow down
Let’s talk a little biology now.
Our autonomic nervous system is the part of our body which
looks after things like our breathing, digestion, immune system, reproductive
systems etc. Basically all the systems in your body which work without you
being consciously aware, are controlled by your autonomic nervous system.
This system can be in one of two states:
A Fight or Flight State
A Rest and Reproduction State
When we are anxious or stressed our Fight or Flight
Response is stimulated. This causes blood flow to be diverted to our arms and
legs. It causes our heart rate and breathing to quicken and adrenaline to be
released. All these reactions get us ready to run or fight. When the Fight or
Flight response kicks in, sex and erections are suppressed. After all, if you
had to run from danger the last thing you would want would be an erection!
This system worked brilliantly when we evolved and were
subjected to short term stress, such as running from a predator. Unfortunately,
in modern life, we can be stressed about work, difficult relationships or
social pressures. This means we are often stressed chronically.
When this happens, the Rest and Reproduction System is
suppressed over a long period of time, often leading to erectile dysfunction. Of
course, once erectile dysfunction becomes an issue you get anxious about it
happening and this exacerbates the issue.
Erectile dysfunction can be caused by physical or
psychological factors.
The most common physical cause of erectile dysfunction is
restricted blood flow to the penis, causing by narrowing of the blood vessels.
If you are suffering then do go and see your GP. If you are suffering with
erectile dysfunction you should speak to your GP first to identify any
underlying physical issues.
As a hypnotherapist I help men to overcome erectile
dysfunction which has been caused by psychological factors. The key is to
remove any anxiety related to sex. This turns off the Fight or Flight Response
and turns on the Rest and Reproduction Response.
There is a great technique you can use to do this.
1) Get yourself into a lovely relaxed state, either by
focussing on your breathing or imagining various parts of your body relaxing in
2) When you feel very relaxed, double that level of
relaxation, perhaps by imagining going down levels or walking down a flight of
stairs, relaxing more with each step.
3) When you are really relaxed imagine yourself in bed with
your partner. Really imagine it as vividly as possible, as if you're actually
there. Notice what you see, hear and feel.
4) All the time concentrate on relaxation and hold on to
that level of relaxation.
5) Imagine the whole scenario all the way through to the end
and see yourself successfully getting and maintaining an erection and having
good sex.
6) Repeat as often as possible.
Hypnotherapy is very effective for helping to overcome
erectile dysfunction. If you would like a hypnosis MP3 to help you with this
problem you can download one from: